Sunday 13 April 2014

Summer migrants continue to arrive in Endon and queen wasps become active.

I heard the first Blackcap of the year in Endon today along the railway line near Station Road. They have probably been here since last week, but I did not hear them as I was in N. Yorkshire and Northumberland where I actually heard my first Blackcap of the year at Fairburn Ings nature reserve. So so far Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Swallows, Blackcaps have arrived from S. Europe or N. Africa. The longer distance summer migrants, Sedge Warbler, Garden Warbler, Common Whitethroats, Cuckoo, Swifts and House Martins should arrive soon. If we are lucky Hobbies and Grasshopper Warblers may also be seen around Endon (they were last year).

Today was the first day I saw queen social wasps out in the sunshine, they and the Tawny Mining Bees, always become active at the same time as my Gooseberry bushes come into flower. From my observations they are the main pollinators, along perhaps with Common Carder (bumble) Bees.

A vespinae (social) wasp. 

1 comment:

  1. First Hobby reported over Portland Bill this morning
