Here is a photo I took
of Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales
speaking at the third Hen Harrier Day in the Peak District last
Sunday (7th August). She was one of six inspirational
speakers at the event which was intended to highlight the cruel and
illegal persecution of the Hen Harrier – a bird of prey that should
be thriving and breeding in upland habitats such as those that occur
on our nearest National Park. Gamekeepers do not like Hen Harriers
because they take some young grouse to feed to their chicks and
because of this these birds are killed or deterred from breeding on
the moors – both actions are completely illegal. There is no doubt
that these birds are being killed by gamekeepers on moors managed for
driven grouse shooting, because they are fairly common on similar
habitats in other areas of Europe, for instance certain Scottish
Islands and the Isle of Man; the difference is that grouse shooting
is not practised on those places and so the birds are free to live
and breed undisturbed. In addition to killing of birds of prey, Red
Grouse shooting is associated with a number of other environmental
problems because maintaining grouse moors by burning heather can
damage blanket bogs and lead to erosion, flooding, and pollution of
nearby streams. Hen Harriers are not the only animals to be
slaughtered just so shooters can kill big bags of Red Grouse; stoats,
weasels, Peregrine Falcons and even Mountain Hares are victims of
this rich man's hobby, which lasts for only three months of any one
year at most. And so our gatherings are designed to coincide with the
start of the grouse shooting season, the so-called “glorious
twelfth”, and it will be an annual event until the Hen Harriers and
other wildlife is left in peace. Some of us think this will only
happen when driven grouse shooting is banned all together and hence
we are petitioning parliament about this subject. If you agree with
me that you would like to be able to see Hen Harriers populating the
Peak District once again perhaps you will sign the petition? It can
be found at
Welcome to my blog which is about wildlife and environmental issues relating to the village of Endon, the Staffordshire Moorlands and surrounding areas. If you have any questions or comments to add to my posts, or want to raise you own issue, please contact me via the comments box that is below each post or email me at
View of Endon.
View of Endon.
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