Some Ferns, Mosses and Liverworts of the Endon area.

Mat of (mostly male) plants and gammae cups (bottom l.h.side) of Marchantia polymorpha subsp. montivagans on old trackbed on John Emery Land. 17th April 2014.

 Brachythecium rutabulum Rough-stalked Feather-moss and the liverwort Metzgeria furcata Forked Veilwort a liverwort of willow trunk on railway line.

Polytrichum juniperinium - Juniper Hair Cap  on railway line.

Rhyitidiadelphus squarrosus - Springy Turf Moss growing around headstones in the grounds of St Luke's Church.

 Atrichum undulatum Common Smooth Cap and the liverwort Lophocolea didentata (which can't be seen in this photo)growing amongst it, in St Luke's churchyard.

In the centre of the photo is Grimmia pulvitina Grey-cushioned Wall Moss growing on a dry-stone-wall in Brook Lane, Endon.

Tortula muralis Wall Screw Moss on wall in Brook Lane Endon

Tortula muralis Wall Screw Moss on disused railway tracks, Endon

Bryum capilllare Capillary Thread Moss (with sporophytes) on wall in Brook Lane, Endon.

Mnium hornum Swan's Neck Thyme Moss growing on wall Church Lane,  Endon. April 2014.

Maidenhair Spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes growing on wall in Church Lane Endon

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