Sunday, 15 December 2013

Birds seen at Rudyard Lake during November and December 2013.

Here is a list of birds seen during three visits to spot winter birds at Rudyard Lake. The numbers are an indication of how many were present during each visit. Some species, such as Snipe and Willow Tit were only see on one occasion out of three visits.

Black-headed Gull 300+ birds in flocks Lapwing c140
Blackbirds c6 birds Lesser Black-backed Gull c20
Blue Tit c10 Long-Tailed Tit c16
Brambling flocks of 20+ birds amongst Beech trees Magpie 3
Bullfinch 2 pairs Mallard c70 birds (ducks and drakes)
Buzzard 1 Mandarin Duck pair
Canada Geese flock of about 60 birds Mute Swan 3 juvenile birds
Carrion Crow c12 Nuthatch c8 birds
Chaffinch c7 birds Pheasant 1
Coal Tit c8 birds Pied Wagtail 1
Cormorant c6 birds Redwing c5 with Fieldfares
Dunnock 1 Robin c6 birds
Fieldfare small flock with Redwings Rook c10
Goldeneye 1 solitary drake Siskin 3
Goldfinch flock of c 20 Snipe 2
Goosander 3+ pairs Starling flock of c 30
Great Crested Grebe c6 birds Teal c20 (ducks and drakes)
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Tree Creeper 2
Great Tit c20 Wigeon c10 (ducks and drakes)
Grey Heron 2 Willow or Marsh Tits c3
Grey Wagtail 1 Woodpigeon in trees and flocks flying over
House Sparrow c8 birds Wren 3
Jackdaw c14 TOTAL 46 Species
Jay c4 Grey Squirrel 3

The north end of Rudyard Lake.

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