Saturday 1 August 2015

Wildflowers along the disused railway line August 2015.

At present there is a good display of wild flowers along the disused railway line. Here are some photos.

Harebells, Rose Bay Willowherb, Hawkweed sp. Mouse-eared Hawkbit etc.


Branched Bur-reed on Endon Brook where it passes under the railway. 

Fairy Flax.

Braod-leaved Willowherb and Hogweed. 

Large Scabious, White Valerian and RB Willowherb.

Meadowsweet, Knapweed plus more. 

Hymalayan Balsam. Broad-leaved Dock, Marsh Woundwort etc. (along track between railway and Caldon Canal). 

Ragwort, RB Willowherb etc.

Square-stemmed St John's Wort, Ragwort, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy were was the Himalayan Balsam on the Caldon Canal Location
