Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Fungi seen this September.

I've photo'd, I've noted habitat, I've sniffed, I've picked, I've tasted (carefully!), I've examined under a hand lens, I've spent a while perusing books and at times the internet; and finally I've ID'd some of the fungi I've collected during walks from Endon along the disused railway line and to Deep Hayes Country Park. Identified using Buczacki, S. (2012), Fungi Guide Harper Collins and Phillips, R.  Mushrooms (2006), Macmillan.

An Inkcap Cortinarius sp. on the railway line.

Probably Meadow Waxcap Hygrocybe pratensis on grass bordering the railway track.

Unidentified, growing under dead trunk under Beech trees, and photo below....

A Bolete Boletus sp. Under Beech trees, and below....

A Puffball under Ash and other saplings.

Amethyst Deceiver Laccaria amethystina growing under Beech by the driveway up to DHCP visitor centre.

A Bolete under Hornbeam, and below....

 Probably Beech Jellydisc  - Neobulgaria pura on dead beech stump, and below.

Beech Milkcap Lactarius blennius  
Beech Milkcap again.

Large Bolete yet to be identified.

Brown Puffball on railway - probably Stump Puffball - Lycoperdon pyriforme.

Common Puffball -Lycoperdon perlatum - under oak tree on railway. 
Close up of pyramidal warts on cap. 
Photo showing gleba (flesh).

Troop of fungi - perhaps Blewits - Lepista sp. under Ash saplings. 

On standing dead oak tree. To be ID'd.

Probably Brown Rollrim - Paxillus involutus from Beech Vista. 

One of a number of similar red-stemmed Boletes that inhabit Beech woodland.

Russula noblis - Beech sickener from under Beech Vista - looks and tastes right.

Stropharia sp.prob Blue Roundhead - Stropharia caerulea  or S. pseudopcyanea on railway. Right habitat. 
Flesh and gills of the blue-coloured Roundhead fungi.

An Inkcap - Coprinus sp. - on the canal towpath.

Candlesnuff - Xylaria hypoxylon

Club Fungus.

Coral Fungus - Nectria cinnabarina

Could be Conocybe, a Conecap or Mycenae, a bonnet - under saplings.

A Jelly Fungus on dead twig.

Perhaps Jellybaby - Leotia lubrica.

Yellow "club"  or "spindle" type of fungus.

White Saddle - Helvella crispa one of a troop growing beside driveway to visitor centre.

Fly Agaric - Amanita muscaria under Silver Birch tree.