Tuesday 5 January 2016

Evening walk with Willow Tits and Snipe

Take a walk along the disused railway from Station Road and then on the Caldon Canal towpath towards Stockton Brook on a winter's evening, just as it is turning dark and you will, if circumstances permit, hear Snipe calling from the rushy grasslands beside the canal. I did that this evening and I heard some. If you are patient and wait on the towpath opposite the area of willow carr you may see some fly up, around and land again. This Common Snipe is what they sound like.
The area of willow carr - photo taken last winter.

View along the Caldon Canal to John Emery land taken last December.

Darkness arrives along the Caldon Canal.

Also heard this evening was a Willow Tit Willow Tit vocalisations along the disused railway. Willow Tits use this area every winter.

1 comment:

  1. Great to Hear Snipe and Willow Tit using Canal Habitats
